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Do you want to stand ahead of the pack? To do that you need a custom profile photo, or banner, or both! You can't be taken seriously with a meme as your pfp. And common, that banner is 480p screenshoted from Google Images. You need something that says you, has your brand in mind and makes you look awesome all at the same time. That's why WildFyr Development's got you with the Custom Profile Photo or Banner!
Here's what you get:
Custom wording
Custom designs
Custom images
Custom font
Images will come in 3 different resolution/sizes to fit all sites/purposes (4K, 2K, 1K)*
The ability to look awesome in Discord, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and any other social media you use!
Prices will very depending on complexity of commission. For more information please open a ticket!
Custom Profile Photo or Banner