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Lots of EUP Dev Files


:::success You are allowed to resell these items in a LOCKED format. please credit WildFyr Development in the release! most to all files co...

EUP Badge DEV Kit


**Badge DEV Kit by WildFyr Development!** It's finally here, the dev kit includes both male and...

2018 John Deere Gator Base Model


**THIS IS A .Z3D, YOU NEED A VALID ZMODELER LICENSE TO USE IT.** You are expected to have knowlage in ZMod to be able to use this item, i...

DeWalt Generator Dev Model


A Simple, low poly DeWalt Generator for use on your models. You can use this in **FREE** and **PAID** releases, please credit WildFyr in ...

Solar Panel Dev Model


A simple solar panel for command cars and ambulances You can use this in **FREE** and **PAID** releases, please credit WildFyr in the rel...

Air Horn


A small horn I purchased and converted for an ambulance project of mine. You can use this in **FREE** and **PAID** releases, please credi...

Fisher Plow DEV Commercial


It's Fisher Plow month, all month long at the O'Connor Auto Park! and it's time for your trucks to have plow too, with this dev model by Wil...