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Lots of EUP Dev Files
:::success You are allowed to resell these items in a LOCKED format. please credit WildFyr Development in the release! most to all files co...

Maine State Police EUP Package
After years of development I give you the MESP EUP Package, based on Maine State Police and ready for your server! :::info Currently it ...

Cowboy Hat v2
Yeehaw, Are you ready to show up everyone in the county with your brand new Stetson? From the Sheriff in The Dukes of Hazzard to Maranda Lam...

Cowboy Hat v2 - 5, 6, and 7 Point Star Version
Three Stetson star badged cowboy hats, includes a Photoshop .psd file for making your own hat textures, along with the location where to mak...

MSA Leather Cairns Firemans Helmet
MSA Leather Cairns Helmet is the most ideal helmet for your fire department, level up your firemen with the safety of MSA helmets today! ...

CMPD Badge Kit
Created by WildFyr, includes Badge with whistle and chain, no whistle and chain, and a hip badge

S153A Badge Kit
S153A badge kit by WildFyr Includes YDD, YTD, PSD Files, and Install Locations Any issues feel free to open a ticket in our Discord ...

Cowboy Hat v1
::: danger This item has reach EOL and will not longer be updated. For more information please [See this article](

S1642 Full Coverage Helmet - SuperSeer
S1642 Full Coverage Helmet by SuperSeer is now yours for your FiveM server thanks to this EUP model by WildFyr! Includes a version withou...

Trooper S38 Stratton Hat
A Stratton hat used primary by the New York State Police however can be used and textured to fit any department of your choosing. Includes 4...

Service Strap
A simple service strap made in Blender. Comes with 4 textures, Gold and Silver belt variants with black and brown leather for your choosing....

S229 Badge Kit
S229 badge kit by WildFyr Includes YDD, YTD, PSD Files, and Install Locations Male and Female support ::: danger YOU MAY NOT SELL TH...

EUP Badge DEV Kit
**Badge DEV Kit by WildFyr Development!** It's finally here, the dev kit includes both male and...

S503A Badge Kit
S503A badge kit by WildFyr Includes YDD, YTD, PSD Files, and Install Locations ::: danger YOU MAY NOT SELL THIS RESOURCE UNLESS YOU C...

Campaign Hat
This is a campaign hat good for use on State Police and Sheriff and really what ever you want YOU MAY NOT SELL THIS RESOURCE UNLESS YOU C...

Custom EUP
:::info Open a custom order ticket! ::: You pick: Colours, Patches, Logos, Fonts, Shirts, Pants, etc. Open a ticket to discuss and start ...

Custom Made Patches
:::info Open a custom order ticket! ::: Please note: This is only making a patch vector into a stitched variant. I will also make the v...

WildFyr Development Sweatshirt
Just a little CIV male and female sweatshirt with WildFyr Modifications on it. It was a Customer only release but I have now listed it up he...